Changers [individual]

With the Changers [individual] you build your own Changers: We print your Changers with your target image and the Changer box with the target effects you describe.
No product
What is individualized
1. The picture
You choose a positive image that best symbolizes your goal (the target state or the ability required to achieve it) and we print it on your Changers.

2. The can
Your Changers need a name + addition, a description of the desired effects + positive(!) side effects, as well as information on dosage.

After ordering
After ordering you will receive instructions
how to formulate a sustainably motivating goal,
how and where you can find a good target image,
what you should pay attention to regarding the effects and side effects of your changers.
example changers
Don’t have a clear goal in mind yet?
On the Changers [standard] page you will find inspiration and popular standard motifs.
And under Changers [coaching] you can book a coach who will support you in developing a smart goal and your individual Changer.