pro - as in professional
Training / education
1) ChangersCoach introductory course
Five times a year we offer a 2 hour introductory course via Zoom, where we provide a theoretical introduction to working with Changers, a practical live demonstration and a subsequent reflection.
The event is organized by the ILK. The link below will take you to the ILK website.
The next introductory course dates are:
2) ChangersCoach certification course
If the introductory course has whetted your appetite for working with Changers, the 12-hour certification course is the next step. On four consecutive evenings of 3 hours each, we meet via Zoom video conference and learn practical tricks of the trade on how to use Changers to maximum effect and integrate them into the approach/style you have been practicing up to now.
Prerequisite for participation in the certificate course ChangersCoach is a completed or soon to be completed min. of 12 months of therapy/counseling or coaching training and participation in the introductory course (relevant certificates of attendance are to be attached upon registration).
Prerequisites for certification are:
complete participation in the introductory course and all four evenings
written short documentation with the presentation of the Changer images and can, as well as a reflection of two practical cases of at least three sessions with the use of Changers
structured peer reflection of a Changers use-case in a ChangersCoach peer group
By the way: As a certified ChangersCoach you can become part of the Changers-Coachpool and receive coaching assignments via the Changers website.
The event is organized by the ILK. The link below will take you to the ILK website.
The next certificate course will take place on:
30.11.2023, 14.12.2023, 11.01.2024, 07.03.2024 17:00 - 20:00 (More info).
3) Changers auf Konferenzen und Kongressen
Prerequisites for certification are:
complete participation in the introductory course and all four evenings
written short documentation with the presentation of the Changer images and can, as well as a reflection of two practical cases of at least three sessions with the use of Changers
structured peer reflection of a Changers use-case in a ChangersCoach peer group
By the way: As a certified ChangersCoach you can become part of the Changers-Coachpool and receive coaching assignments via the Changers website.
The event is organized by the ILK. The link below will take you to the ILK website.
The next certificate course will take place on:
30.11.2023, 14.12.2023, 11.01.2024, 07.03.2024 17:00 - 20:00 (More info).